Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

We ventured out this morning to our tiny town's Fourth of July parade. It consisted of a firetruck at the beginning, a firetruck at the end, and a whole lot of kids and families on decorated bikes, trikes, strollers, and wagons in the middle. There were about the same number of people in the parade as on the sidelines, and the whole thing was about 10 minutes long. Our bigger kids hadn't been to a parade before, so given the little ones and the heat, this was actually just right for us! All decked out in festive clothes, we took lots of photos.

The little guys have started smiling (sparingly) in the past week, though it's hard to catch on camera. Here's the* obligatory 2-month bear pic, where Josh, right, is giving us a hint of a smile:

But most of the photo session looked more like this:

And one more, just because this girl is so hard to catch in a photo...

*Yes, Dave, it really did take 34 shots to get one photo of the boys.

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