Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Moving to Wordpress

So this post hereby completes my switch from Blogger to WordPress. All my old posts here have already been migrated to the WordPress site, and new posts will be posted there only. It wasn't as easy as I thought to auto-redirect this page ( to my new page (, so I'll have to request that you update your bookmarks and/or subscriptions manually. If you happen to be subscribed to the feedburner feed (, then you're in luck and shouldn't need to do anything. If you had subscribed here by email, that option is available on WordPress also. See you on the other side! (p.s. for anyone reading this in a reader and unsure of the address you're subscribed to -- If you can see the post "Two Little Monkeys" from June 8, then you're reading the new WordPress site.)

First and Last Day

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Beach in July 2012

HA! Last November I felt like the blog had been neglected (sounds familiar...), so I uploaded a bunch of photos and left posts in draft mode until I could do something with them. So, yeah, this beach trip is almost a year old. But better late than never? Scroll down to November 2012 if you want to see some other posts that weren't really posted till today.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy Birthday, Amelia!

It's been a long time. Sorry about that. Life happens, ya know? I logged in and noticed that my last post was Halloween. A lot of life has happened. Okay, maybe not as monumentally as the last time I took a hiatus from posting between October and May two years ago, but still many many photos and stories that I wish I'd had the time to catalog here for you. Hopefully this summer I can go back and fill in some of those gaps, with backdated entries. In the meantime though, here are a couple photos from Amelia's birthday last night. We have one more weekend of birthdaymonth (a fourth May birthday, a Chuck-E-Cheese party for 2, and three other birthday party invitations for friends -- all in 3 days), then the last week of school, moving offices at work for me, and then... SUMMER!

Let's see if I can get a video to upload. I only captured a snippet of Jacob singing Happy Birthday like I was hoping to (why do they always quit performing when the camera comes out?), but I thought the rest was pretty funny too: