Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy Birthday, Amelia!

It's been a long time. Sorry about that. Life happens, ya know? I logged in and noticed that my last post was Halloween. A lot of life has happened. Okay, maybe not as monumentally as the last time I took a hiatus from posting between October and May two years ago, but still many many photos and stories that I wish I'd had the time to catalog here for you. Hopefully this summer I can go back and fill in some of those gaps, with backdated entries. In the meantime though, here are a couple photos from Amelia's birthday last night. We have one more weekend of birthdaymonth (a fourth May birthday, a Chuck-E-Cheese party for 2, and three other birthday party invitations for friends -- all in 3 days), then the last week of school, moving offices at work for me, and then... SUMMER!

Let's see if I can get a video to upload. I only captured a snippet of Jacob singing Happy Birthday like I was hoping to (why do they always quit performing when the camera comes out?), but I thought the rest was pretty funny too: